This is where I learned the steps I needed to take to reach my dream. The Actors Theatre Workshop is where everything started for me.
Read Full TestimonialDaequan Andino, Fashion Designer, Founder of AYME Magazine,
Coordinator of Programs and Volunteers at The Shepherd Wellness Community
Daequan was a student at ATW from age 10 – 13
In my culture females aren’t really allowed to express themselves. When I came to The Actors Theatre Workshop you totally broke that. You told me there was more to me than just a shy little girl. That helped me through all my interviews, through school and through the jobs that I’m holding now. It’s because of the Actor’s Theatre Workshop and people like you, leaders like you who’ve helped mold me and helped me to become the person that I am, and the person that I planned to be in the future.
Sulma Arzu-Brown, Mentor for Scholastic’s new book series RISING VOICES Elevate Latinos Stories. Former Executive Director of The Bronx Tourism Council
We had some place where somebody was actually listening to us and giving feedback to what we were writing about. It gave it importance and let us validate ourselves. It gave me confidence in my own ideas.
Geoffrey Garcy, Musician
Geoffrey was a student at ATW from age 11 – 13
When I first came to ATW I was a shy, quiet little kid who always kept to myself. If I didn’t learn how to use my imagination and understand that it was ok, I wouldn’t have had confidence in myself to choose my profession, to stick with it and go through with it.
Bobby Garcy, Pharmacist
Bobby was a student at ATW from age 9 – 11
I would like to thank you for taking the time to meet with and provide a workshop to the O’Leary drama students from Edmonton. From all my daughter Kyra-lyn told me, it the drama workshop was amazing for her, and in her words “life changing”. I expect that this experience will stay with her and will continue to have an impact on some of the choices she makes going forth with her education and her life. Again, thank you very much for providing such an uplifting experience.
Lynda Turpin, parent writing to us from Canada
grateful for her daughter’s experience
You have been a tremendous source of support for the youngest and most vulnerable New Yorkers, and your outstanding program gives students a wonderful opportunity to express themselves artistically and acquire the tools they will need to lead successful lives.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg recognizes Artistic Director Thurman E. Scott
and the entire staff of the Builders of the New World Program
I enjoyed it so much and I can see that the environment here at this theatre has all the principles that are really important to us at the Department of Youth and Community Development, like caring adults and very high expectations…
Susan Haskell, Assistant Commissioner, Department of Youth and Community Development
after attending a graduation ceremony for the Builders of the New World
My political and social consciousness is always recharged when I see lovely kids … being exposed to all the things God would want them to have. Thank you, Mr. Scott. I believe that your vision is inspiring and your talent and creativity are boundless.
Congressman Charles B. Rangel, recipient of the First Annual Builder of the New World Award
in recognition of his hands-on work and success in bringing the community together
in a vision of harmony and hope for the future
I want to strive to be a leader in the Drama program at our school and help to mentor the younger schools. I’ve experienced a very rapid process of maturity since coming to ATW. This has led to many changes in my life that have drastically changed the future for me in a positive manner. Following the ideas and vision you preached I’ve started to enjoy the smaller things in life. I know there are still areas I can improve in and I must identify them and look at the little things I can do to change so I can continue to develop on the path and into the person I am destined to be.
Read Full TestimonialDaniel Purcell, a high school student from Canada
writing to us about how working with Mr. Scott changed his life
I think when you draw, you should do it from your heart. I draw from what I see and feel to express my feelings. I want people to believe in my creation and imagination. I want people to respect my art and enjoy wearing my clothes anywhere they want.
Taniyah Pratt, age 10
dreams of designing her own fashion line
The way I’m going to accomplish my goal is to get a Diverse Education. I will study global warming. I will study science, chemicals, elements and dense matter. I will also study people from history who have worked for peace, like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Mr. Thurman, and Nelson Mandela.
I will help teach others that we can change our lives and make the world happy instead of fighting. Together, we can impact and change the world.
Zaire Jones, age 11
envisions a future as a teacher and agent for positive change
I want to be a role model to inspire other people. As an FBI agent, I will be kind and supportive, and I will serve our country. I want to help the elderly and protect the weak.
Being a wrestler will help me develop confidence, bravery and courage, which are important for me to follow my other dreams. If I am a wrestler, people do not have to be afraid of anything because I will protect them.
As a rapper, I will communicate with the world, to inspire people by my songs. I will inspire little children to achieve their dreams, as long as they put their minds to it. They should never give up their dreams. In addition, I want to inspire kids about helping the homeless by giving them food and money, helping them raise a charity and become a volunteer.
Ja-Red Leacraft, age 11
envisions a diverse future as an FBI agent, wrestler and rapper
I will help sick people with special medicines that I will put in my food and desserts. I will have comedy shows to make people laugh because I believe laughter is healthy for the soul. I will have a pool with my medicines that absorb into their bodies.
Shamel King, age 9
dreams of a future of healing through food and laughter