The ideas expressed in these essays and blog posts written by Thurman E. Scott are principles and philosophies at the heart of The Actors Theatre Workshop.
The American theatre and American society as a whole have tremendous potential to create.
Read More…I have always had to find a very creative way to run our business. For nearly twenty years, before we were located at 145 West 28th Street in New York City, we were creating new material and searching for new, alternative, original techniques with which to develop our expressions in the written word and in creative action. Our collective struggle kept us in an on-going creative process.
Read More…One of the foundations of my life on earth, since I was a small child in the backfields of Cora Peak, North Carolina, was the time I spent at night gazing from the rooftops into the outer reaches of space, dreaming and wondering, hoping for the opportunity to put into a practical, visionary expression my faith, my dreams and my deep longing to contribute to the enlightenment and support of human expression.
Read More…When you dream you open up to a new world of ideas and possibilities. Your new insights will inspire and reveal to you your greater self, and make you want to challenge and open up new frontiers that will serve both you and humanity.
Read More…We live in a time of broken form. The tradition of family life is broken. Children frequently grow up in a broken family structure. I created The Young Peoples Creative Workshop to teach children some guidelines for living through the techniques of acting and writing.
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